Saturday, May 25, 2024

May 25th. A little move.

 Woke up today to say goodbye to Haeundae a day early. When I bought KTX tickets to Seoul last Thursday, they were all sold out for Sunday except very early in the morning. A 7:35 am train to be exact. So I got us a hotel close to the station and we are here. 

But first I had breakfast at my favorite cafe with Patricia and Jessica. Strawberry ice cream and a scone.  Mary Ann was not feeling well so we brought back a scone and coffee. I pack up (Mary Ann had packed her stuff while we were gone), we say goodbye to Patricia and Jessica and are off. No goodbyes to Jonah or Marco as they were at the Slippery Hands Barbershop getting haircuts. No pictures available yet. 

To the hotel by taxi. Well not quite. Taxi driver has no idea of where the hotel is, so we say Busan Train Station. He takes us there and then Google maps gets us there even if Busan Station Information cannot. If it is not the Busan Hilton, they don’t seem to know where it is. Get Mary Ann installed in the room and I am off to meet Mr Lee at the Busan City Museum. 

Well sort of. Taxi driver doesn’t know where it is till I show him. But I get there. 

When I ask for Mr Lee the information assistant tells me isn’t there. His day off. I had talked to him earlier today and we agreed on a 3:00 pm meeting. She calls and he is almost here. Coming on his day off. 

I had a little time so I bought a few gifts for people back home. Mr. Lee shows up with a gift for me. The catalog of the items now on display. So nice. Then he proceeds to show me each item in the exhibit and explain their importance as well as why they are good. There is not one there I do not like.  And the two videos made to accompany to exhibit were no less powerful the second time around. 

One attempts to show the artist’s mind when creating the various objects. The other is a whimsical animation based on some of the characters from the paintings.  Again I love them both. Below are a couple of clips from each. 

And the more whimsical. 

Before I leave, I just have to take a photo where our names are listed as donors to the museum. 

Really proud of these. 

Bit before I can get a taxi, Mr Lee says he will take me to the station hotel. I accept and we have a wonderful conversation on the way back. I do hope I see him again sometime. 

Me and my friend Mr Lee. 

So off to a seafood dinner. Mary Ann picked out the crab and I ordered the baby octopus. Both were great, but I could have used a little help with the octopus. 

Mary Ann picking out dinner. 

Hold still. I want to eat you!

People still working late. 

Raw eel having been skinned alive. I used to go to the docks and pick the eel out to be stabbed and skinned and cut up to eat raw right there. But that was a while ago in a different time and a different planet.  But I am sure there is some eel with my name on it in Japan. 


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