Monday, June 17, 2024

June 16th. The Sword and the Stone

 Well maybe that title has already been taken but so has June 16th yesterday. We left at 6:40 pm on Sunday and got to Atlanta on Sunday at 7:30 a one hour difference after a 13 hour flight. And in the last row which does not recline. 

But first I had to rescue Jonah’s sword from customs prison. .  Most of the work had been done on Friday by Ms Chang from the Overseas Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation as a favor to me. It still meant going here and there to meet the right people and insure it made it on the plane to Atlanta. Surprisingly US customs has no problem with people bringing in weapons of death and destruction. Go figure. 

So a little down time in Atlanta airport then the flight from Atlanta to Wilmington which I remember nothing about since I slept the whole way. 

John Gruntfest duly picked us up and got all our stuff inside. Found out the Sonatas battery was dead when we got home. Probably from not being used and all the electronics that go non stop. My 2003 Ford Ranger started right up.  

I still stayed up till 2:00 am unwrapping my rock and Jonah’s sword. Then found out my router has died so a new one was ordered. This is probably it for the blog unless I get sentimental and want to rehash some highlights. You have been warned. 


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June 28th. Home 12 days

 Well we have been back home for 12 days now.  So go to be home and sleep in our own bed with only Drs appointments to keep track of the day...