Thursday, April 18, 2024

April 18. From Sorak to Seoul

 Today is another moving day. What makes it difficult is all the crape we think we need. Well actually being gone 3 months means we carry a lot of prescription drugs. But every time we get here, we send some more home and give out the presents we brought. Anyway we leave Smile Hotel and our dog friend for Seoul.

Being bored on a 2 1/2 hour trip can get you to do strange things.

But we arrive at the hotel we will call home for the next ten days. Then off to Japan and all there is to see there. But I am getting ahead of myself.  

We need to go out for lunch at a late time.  We select. A dumpling shop. But instead of fried like we insisted tney were steamed. Big difference. Next search for a back brace cor me hoping it will with my ruptured disc.

Home for the next 10 days  

Uh Lotte Department store says they have them. Jump in a taxi and tell him where we want to go. He wont take us. Then he points across the street and there it is. Oh well. 

Up and down Lotte department with no luck. Mary Ann keeps saying drug stores.  A slight detour to Starbucks for a Carmel Machiato and we head to SinSaeGay department store across from Lotte. But I see a drug store so just to make Mary Ann happy I say let’s go there. And sure enough they have them and in my size. I still hobble back to the hotel resting quite often. 

Let me say this. Mary Ann has been very patient with me as slow as I go and the many stops I have to take. We are both hoping this brace is going to help. 

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